Ever gone on a family camping trip for the main reason of learning how to fish? Perhaps you want to bond with the children while doing something you love. Some kids find fishing boring since it requires much patience. But you can quickly fix this issue with a remote control fishing boat because these are very similar to the automated racing cars that kids often play. For those of you who love to fish, you will love the bait boats for kids. You can teach them how to add bait to the line and let the boat do all of the work for them. This way, even if they are not experienced in fishing – they can still be able to catch a small or large fish without any trouble.
Bait boats for kids can also be very powerful and are usually meant for adults as well. They can actually have a line cast out at 300 feet which is very far in terms of fishing. However, if you do plan on getting a boat, be sure to pick up at least 2 of them. I say this because it’s so difficult to pry the remote control from my kid’s hands when it’s my turn. Becoming very attached to this bait boat, they are experts at fishing in this style now.
The boat that I have is the Radio Ranger, which is a small boat that has the capability of releasing the line easily so practically anyone can use it. I bought this directly from the RC Fishing World which has many different remote control boats to take advantage of. My son who is just six years old had caught a Bass and this was his first one. He was very excited about this. My initial response to this boat is that it would not be able to cast at a far away stance, however – it can go over 250 feet easily.